leadership development


next level team & leaders

Leadership Training

Bring your leadership team to the next level: increase productivity, nurture talent and implement an effective leadership style that fits to your company’s needs, values and culture. Participants learn to:

  • Grow into your leadership role
  • Lead effectively with head, heart & guts
  • Applicable toolbox for your daily work

The workshops are always designed to your teams' individual needs. I make sure they are fun, interactive and vivid - online or in person.

team coaching

The best results are achieved by highly effective teams. Bring your team performance to a new level with team coaching:

  • Resolve unspoken conflicts.
  • Strengthen communication.
  • Learn about team roles, rules and define your team values and vision.

Work together with trust, passion and fun.

Unfold your full potential now!

1:1 coaching only for you

Evolve to your next level without feeling stressed, burned out, or anxious. In critical situations in your job or personal life, I accompany you in finding inner peace, fulfillment, and happiness while performing on an even higher, healthier level.

  • Get to know your inner critics, saboteurs and limiting believes
  • Resolve limitations and change the way you think
  • Master your life with doing less and be happier
  • Find your path

The interventions are as individual as your topics: I work with reflection, deep questions, breathwork, systemic interventions and practical strategies. What you learn is only effective in the long term, when you do not just understand things mentally but your body and soul follow along. Therefore I make sure interventions activate both regions of your brain.

About me

Hey, I´m Kira

Coach, strategist, kitesurfer, wine lover and passionate optimist who helps you to actively shape your professional path in a way that suits your personality.

In the last 4 years, I coached and trained more than 450 leaders to success. 

I did my first coaching training at the age of 26 and realized the power of interventions and questions. I developed myself a lot through this, dissolved obstructive beliefs, overcame conflict situations and finally discovered my vision: to work as an independent team coach. 

Since a team always includes several people and a leader, I complement team coaching with leadership development and 1:1 coaching. As a leader I need tools, methods and emotional intelligence to be able to tap the full potential of the team. In individual coaching there is room for individual issues and self-reflection.

With that in mind: let your head do the work!

Kira Unterschrift


What coachees & teams say

”Working with Kira greatly helped me keep positive and motivated during lockdown. She provides a safe space for me to open up and work on aspects of my life that I would like to improve, and is never judgemental.“ 



Event Manager, UK

"Thanks to the coaching sessions with Kira, I was able to make a fundamental job decision and still take regular sessions to further grow my personality and communication skills." 


Jessica Holzbach

Co-founder, penta

"What lies before us and what lies behind us are trivialities to what lies within us. And when we take what lies within us outward into the world, miracles happen." - Henry David Thoreau. 

This citation describes the process of coaching. My goal was to get closer to my life vision. Through different exercises, I came closer to my life vision and ultimately did a sabbatical together with my daughter. A dream came true. I highly value Kira's courage to ask difficult questions instead of giving advice. 


dragana Kühn

online marketing manager

"The Leadership Workshop with Kira allowed us to become closer as a team, openly communicate our expectations towards each other, and define clear guidelines for working together." 


Team Penta

Fintec Start-up berlin

Hört rein in mein Podcast Interview und erfahrt noch mehr über Coaching: 

1-On-1 Premium Coaching

1:1 coaching

Free first coaching session

Write me an E-Mail and we arrange a free chemistry meetingto get to know each other without any obligations for around 30 minutes. The fit between Coach and Coachee is very important for a successfull coaching and we also briefly discuss your topic at hand. 

First Coaching Session

If you decide to work with me we start our first coaching session.. This can take place in person or via videoconference and takes usually ca. 90 MinutenTogether we define your goal,because coaching is always solution and goal oriented in order to make success tangible.

The further journey

We do a minimum of 6 sessions in total, 1 session every second week. In between the sessions, you receive small practical tasks and worksheets from me to further work on your goals.

We always work towards your defined goal and do regular checks on how far you already have come. 

Business & Personal Coaching

You can't teach a person anything, you can only help them discover it within themselves.


Schwachhauser Heerstraße 229

28213 Bremen
